our Institute of Oriental Studies at AMU formally welcome as affiliate partner to the SOAS GLOCAL- the Global Council for Anthropological Linguistics

The Institute of Oriental Studies at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań has been formally welcome as an affiliate partner to the SOAS GLOCAL- The Global Council for Anthropological Linguistics, and placed on the SOAS GLOCAL website as an official affiliate.
The SOAS GLOCAL is honored to have the Institute as its affiliate, as they expand the field of Linguistic Cultural Anthropology, and will now proceed to include us as partners in Poznań in all communications regarding the SOAS GLOCAL network, and this comprises GLOCAL Projects, Events, Affiliations, Research, and so forth.
They will also begin to plan ways to facilitate collaborations in working with and contributing to our Institute.

8 kwietnia – wykład prof. dra hab. A. Jabłońskiego w Pražským lingvistickým kroužku

8 kwietnia o godz. 18:00
w Praskim Kole Lingwistycznym (Pražský lingvistický kroužek) wykład pt. „The Morphological Properties of Japanese in Grammatical Descriptions” wygłosi prof. dr hab. Arkadiusz Jabłoński (miejsce wykładu oraz szczegóły transmisji zdalnej na MS Teams – na plakacie)

Grant w konkursie Weave-UNISONO dla zespołu prof. Krzysztofa Strońskiego

Decyzją Dyrektora Narodowego Centrum Nauki prof. UAM dr hab. Krzysztof STROŃSKI z zespołem otrzymali grant w ramach konkursu Weave-UNISONO na projekt badawczy pt. Diachronia cech językowych w językach Azji Południowej, który realizowany będzie na Wydział Neofilologii.

Konkurs Weave-UNISONO obejmuje dwustronne lub trójstronne projekty badawcze dla zespołów z Austrii, Czech, Słowenii, Szwajcarii, Niemiec, Luksemburga, Flandrii i Polski.

Gratulujemy przede wszystkim Kierownikowi zwycięskiego Projektu, prof. Strońskiemu, Dziekanowi Wydziału Neofilologii UAM i pracownikowi Instytutu Orientalistyki UAM. To kolejny znaczący projekt kierowany przez prof. Strońskiego i umiejscowiony w naszym Instytucie.

Europejskie i dalekowschodnie praktyki nazewnicze – podobieństwa i różnice

Szanowni Państwo,

Uprzejmie informujemy, że kolejny wykład w ramach cyklu „Nauka i Społeczeństwo”, organizowanego przez Oddział PAN w Poznaniu, wygłosi Karolina Galewska, sekretarz Komisji Onomastycznej Oddziału PAN w Poznaniu.

Tytuł wykładu: „Europejskie i dalekowschodnie praktyki nazewnicze – podobieństwa i różnice

Termin: 18 stycznia 24 r. (czwartek), godz. 17.00.

Miejsce: sala Turkusowa Oddziału PAN w Poznaniu, Pałac Działyńskich, Stary Rynek 78/79, II piętro (winda).

Wykład odbędzie się stacjonarnie w siedzibie Oddziału PAN w Poznaniu.

Serdecznie zapraszamy!

Międzynarodowa konferencja „Between Reason and Authority. Diverse Paradigms of Doing Science in Pre-Modern Arabo-Islamic World”

Zakład Arabistyki i Islamistyki zaprasza na międzynarodową konferencję:

Between Reason and Authority. Diverse Paradigms of Doing Science in Pre-Modern Arabo-Islamic World

Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań, 4-5 kwietnia 2024


Like all the major monotheistic religions Islam had to deal with fundamental epistemological dichotomy between the divine revelation and human reason. The various schools of discursive theology (kalām) like Mu’tazilites and Ash’arites as well as Hanbalites/Muhaddiṯūn proposed their ways to solve the dilemma by differently weighing the status and usage of both principles. The issue was also of major importance for the Islamicate philosophers (falāsifa) who in later time struggled for legitimacy in more and more scripturally oriented milieu. This dichotomy influenced also the ideas of classification of knowledge developed by many thinkers, most notably Ibn Khaldun (1332-1408), who divided the sciences into “transmitted” (‘ulūm naqliyya) and “intellectual” (‘ulūm ‘aqliyya). The first branch encompasses knowledge transmitted from a trustworthy authority – be it divine (like in the case of Qur’anic revelation), prophetical (sunnah and jurisprudence) or ancestorial (history, language, literature and rhetoric) – and depends on the chain of transmitters (isnād) as the measure of veracity. On the other hand the second branch includes philosophy: logic, physics and metaphysics; as well as natural (medicine and agriculture) and mathematical sciences such arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, music and the occult. These fields of inquiry are to be based on individual reasoning and be verifiable by means of syllogism.

During the conference we hope to investigate both epistemological principles as well as theoretical foundations of the sciences based on them, their interrelations and different approaches of historical thinkers to questions such as: what is the hierarchy of sciences, are they opposed to each other, how to reconcile them, are their subjects different, where they do cross over. Various classifications of knowledge and educational strategies and practices are also the object of our interest. Another scope of interest will be the achievements of Islamicate intellectual sciences and their impact on European Medieval and Early-Modern scientifical development.

The year 2024 marks 750 solar year anniversary of passing of Nāsir al-Dīn al-Tuṣī (1201-1274), a polymath engaged in developing multiple fields from both transmitted and intellectual sciences. Writing both in Arabic and Persian he left a collection of over 150 works. From Shi’ite theology to Ethics to mathematics and astronomy, to name just a few fields of his interest, he left a durable mark on many of them. He invented so called “Tusi-couple” that might have indirectly influenced astronomical models of Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543). The papers concerning aspects of al-Tusi’s work will be equally welcomed.

  • We invite scholars working in the field of Arabic, Iranian and Ottoman studies, Islamic studies, the history of science, history of philosophy, religious studies and others that might contribute to the topic to submit a 100 to 200-word abstract and short bio (in English) by the extended deadline of Jan 30th, 2024 to konfarab@amu.edu.pl
  • The conference will be of hybrid type. Please indicate if you plan in-person or online participation.
  • The participation fee is: 50 EUR (200 PLN)
  • We will inform you of all the technical details of your payment and participation soon after the acceptance of your abstract.

Please consider: We kindly ask all the participants to write their abstracts and hold their speeches in English. The possibility to hold the speech in Arabic or Polish will be offered only in case of acceptance by other participants of the panel in question. Each speech should last for max. 20 minutes.

Scientific board:

John Walbridge, Indiana University, keynote speaker

Katarzyna Pachniak, University of Warsaw, keynote speaker

Andreas Eckart, University of Cologne

Emmanuel Pisani, Dominican Institute for Oriental Studies, Cairo

Krzysztof Stroński, Dean of Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures, Adam Mickiewicz University

Tomasz Wicherkiewicz, Head Deputy for Scientific Issues, Institute of Oriental Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University

Marcin Michalski, Adam Mickiewicz University

Organisational committee:

Łukasz Piątak, secretary of the conference

Filip Jakubowski, head of Chair of Arabic and Islamic Studies

Marcin Styszyński

Sylwia Hamodi-Owczarczak

III edycja konferencji Porta Orientalis. Orient w badaniach młodych naukowców / 2023

Porta Orientalis. Orient w badaniach młodych naukowców

23-24 listopada 2023 r. Instytut Orientalistyki UAM, ul. Grunwaldzka 6, Poznań

Instytut Orientalistyki UAM ma zaszczyt zaprosić  na trzecią edycję konferencji PORTA ORIENTALIS. Orient w badaniach młodych naukowców. Program konferencji

Institute of Oriental Studies at the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań is honored to invite you to the third edition of the conference PORTA ORIENTALIS. Young Researchers on Orient.
Conference Programme