Instytut Orientalistyki UAM zaprasza na wykład prof. dr hab. Rajiego C. Steinecka zamykający rok akademicki 2021/2022
pt. Dōgen and Medieval Monastic Life: Time, Hierarchy, Gender
we wtorek 14 czerwca 2022 r. o godz. 15:30 w s. C1 Collegium Novum UAM
Raji C. Steineck is professor of Japanology at University of Zurich, president of the International Society for the Study of Time (ISST), and principal investigator of the European Research Council’s Advanced Grant project Time in Medieval Japan. His research interests combine the history of ideas in Japan, the theory of symbolic forms, and the philosophy of time, and he has published on a wide range of subjects from ancient mythologies to contemporary philosophy. His new monograph Zen Time: Dōgen in Context is currently under consideration with Hawaii University Press.
Dōgen (1200-1253) is famous both as founder of the Japanese Sōtō School of Zen and – since the 20th century – as a philosopher of time. His doctrinal work Shōbō genzō [Treasury of the True Dharma Eye] has become part of the canons of Japanese literature and intellectual history. However, his concepts are often discussed in the abstract, isolated from his considerable writings on practical matters in the organization of monastic life. This lecture discusses the link between his thoughts on time and the practical rules he instituted in his monastery; it demonstrates how his famous emphasis on ‘practice’ as the locus of ‘enlightenment’ translated into a distinct mode of monastic organisation. This mode integrated more widely shared temporal rhythms of monastic and secular life, but with specific accentuation. It also connected to a form of social stratification that was unique and, in the words of Ishii Kiyozumi, even ‘democratic’ in its disregard of secular social status. That included a negation of hierarchical differences between men and women: from Dōgen’s spiritual point of view, gender discrimination had no place in the monastery.
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